
Shepherd & Associates

May the work of our hands
become tools in your hands
for the Savior!

Linda King

“I believe we are created to glorify the Lord.  Major Ian Thomas, Founder of Torchbearers International, taught me that to glorify the Lord means to bring Him out in the open where He can be seen and heard, touched and known.  I believe that He wants to reveal Himself through each of us in unique ways through the gifts He has given to us. Ever since becoming a Christian, I have sought new ways of communicating my faith in the Lord Jesus through various art forms. I remember where I was years ago when I thought, “I’m going to call my company Shepherd & Associates, so I’ll always remember Who the Boss is!” Shepherd & Associates became the name under which I have produced all my videos.” 

“I believe that the Lord has called me to produce the tools to equip the saints to do the work of ministry. When I was in business and would send out a package, the label always read, “May the work of our hands become tools in your hands for the Savior!” I thank the Lord for the many people, the very special people He’s brought alongside me through the years to help me, to encourage me, to support me so that I could do this work. On this website you’ll find expressions of my heart and some of the products that are the outcome of almost 60 years of walking with the Lord.” ~Linda King

Through the years, Linda has produced many video presentations for colleges, schools, children’s homes, and ministries.  She was very honored to be able to produce the teaching videos for Major W. Ian Thomas which are available at  She was so grateful for the opportunity to produce the Tuff Stuff Ministry videos.  See the tab on this page for more information.  

Linda approaches all of life creatively.  She graduated from Colorado State University, taught art in Peoria, Illinois, and had an advertising agency in Lincoln, Nebraska. From 1970 – 2020, she had her own video production company, Shepherd & Associates, first in Lincoln, Nebraska, then in Loveland, Colorado, and then in Albany, Oregon. Linda opened The Master’s Fine Art of Loveland and had the joy & honor of representing outstanding artists from 1998 – 2011. She is a photographer, a weaver, and a video producer. Linda produced Listen to the Butterfly, The Potter, The Secret of the Vine, the Color Me A Rainbow series, the Major Ian Thomas videos, and the videos of Drs. Earl & Sandy Wilson with Tuff Stuff Ministries.

“I pray that the videos, photographs, cards, tapestries…all that I do is a result of the Lord Jesus living His life in me and through me. May all who see them come to know and experience the Lord’s presence more deeply. I pray that He will fill you with His hope as you discover that just as He created all of the treasures of nature with a reason, a purpose, and a beautifully unique and intricate design, He has surely done the same in you. May these images be constant reminders of His great love for you and His deep desire to be known by you!”