Welcome to Color Me a RainbowThis fun-loving series was created to help children know who Jesus is and how very much He loves them and wants to be their best friend. Child-led crafts, original music videos, Bible memory rhythms, and interviews with children are woven together in each video to communicate the theme. The hosts of the series are Jana Wacker and puppets Froggie, Crow, and Turtle. Through their interaction and modeling, they teach good manners, polite communication, Christian morals, character qualities, Biblical truths, responsibility, respect, and obedience. The puppets do learn from the consequences of their bad choices. Each program includes interviews with international children. Their spontaneous answers are a delight to adults and children alike. These videos are great to use for family devotions. The Bible Memory Rhythms were created by Susie Newcomer. This series first aired in 1987 on the American Christian Television System (ACTS). Linda King (Shepherd & Associates) was the writer/producer/puppeteer.



Froggie, Crow,

& Turtle!


Watch the Color Me a Rainbow videos on YouTube:

Full Series Episodes:

#1 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Creator!

What a fun adventure Jana, Froggie, & Crow have planting begonias! Froggie does love to make mud pies! They have lots of lessons to learn! Jesus is our Creator, for sure! Their adventures and the music, crafts, and memory rhythms help us understand that Jesus is our Creator!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” “Do You Know Who Made the Mountains,” and “God Has to Have a Sense of Humor.”

Craft: You get to learn how to make Celery Cars!

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: Genesis 1:1

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#2 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our King!
The children & puppets learn about Jesus’ Kingdom using pretend castles with Crow pretending to be a king.  They also talk about the different rules and laws for their home, school, country, and even in Jesus’ Kingdom.  Their adventures and the music, crafts, and memory rhythms help us understand that Jesus wants to be the King of our hearts!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” “Bestest Friend,” and “I Belong to a Kingdom.”

Craft:  You get to learn how to make Treasure Cans!

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: Revelation 15:3 

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#3 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Shepherd!

When Froggie gets lost in a grocery store, he discovers that Jesus is his Shepherd when Jesus helps him by sending Officer Woody to find Jana. Why do you think Froggie got lost? He learns a very important lesson! Their adventures and the music, crafts, and memory rhythms help us understand that Jesus wants to be our Good Shepherd!

Sing along with: “Good Shepherd.” Sing along & Sign with: “Color Me a Rainbow.”

Craft: You get to learn how to make Lamb Bookmarks!

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 10:11 & 27

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#4 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Light!

What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “I am the Light of the world”?  While Jana changes a light bulb, Froggie, Crow, Turtle, and the children, talk about what that means.  Their adventures and the music, crafts, and memory rhythms help us understand that Jesus is the Light. Jesus wants to light up your life, for sure!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow” and “Jesus said, ‘I am the Light!’”

Craft: You get to learn how to make Sand Candles

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 8:12

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#5 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Friend!

The puppets have a slumber party. Froggie reads his autograph book from his friends, and they realize that the Bible is God’s version of an autograph book, and that Jesus is our very best friend.  Their adventures and the children’s music, fun crafts, and Bible memory rhythms help us understand that Jesus wants to be our best friend!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow” and “Bestest Friend’”

Craft: You get to learn how to make Friendship Necklaces!

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 15:12

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#6 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Way!
Froggie finds out the hard way that you can’t get to heaven on a ladder! With the help of street signs, Froggie, Crow, and Turtle learn that Jesus is the only way to God the Father.

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” “One Way,” and “On My Way”

Craft: You get to learn how to make a rainbow ladder!

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 14:6

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#7 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Big Brother!

While Jana and the puppets bake cookies, Nathan shows his younger sister Niki what their father is really like, and she turns from her earlier resentment for not being allowed to ride her bike on the street. This is just one example of how Jesus is our Big Brother when helps us know how much God the Father loves us.

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” “Big Brother,” and “On My Way”

Craft: You get to learn how to make Thumbprint Cookies & Happy Paddles

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: Matthew 12:13

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#8 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Door!

Crow has a very scary experience!  She is “birdnapped” by an evil man and locked in a cage.  She learns the hard way that she should never go with strangers! She remembered that Jesus promised He would always be with her, and He provided the door for her escape!  Jesus is our door to God the Father.

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” and “Colors.” Sing & Sign with “Knock, Knock.”

Craft: You get to learn how to make a fabric heart for your door or wall.

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 10:9

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#9 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s The Truth!

It’s time for Color Me a Rainbow’s game show “Tell The Truth.” Will Froggie, Crow, and Turtle be stumped with questions from the Bible?  Who will win? The winner gets to find the prize in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Everyone learns that Jesus is the Truth & how very important it is to tell the truth!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow.”  Sing & Sign with “Jesus You Are.”

Craft: You get to learn how to make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder.

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 8:31-32

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#10 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s God’s Son!

The puppets are almost ready for bed. Jana reads them a bedtime story that tells how very much God loves us! It tells about how once and only once God became a man!  Froggie, Crow, and Turtle are eager to chime in with why God sent His one and only Son Jesus to earth!  They love to tell the story!!!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” “Once and Only Once,” “Extra, Extra,” and “Colors.”

Craft: You get to learn how to make a Sun Catcher.

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: John 3:16

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#11 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s Our Savior!

What fun Froggie, Crow, Turtle, & Jana have during their camping trip!  They do love their hotdogs!  Crow learns that using her bossy attitude is not the best way to treat her friends. Through it all, they came to better understand that Jesus is our Savior!

Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow,” “Bestest Friend,” When God the Father Looks at Me,” and “Colors.”

Craft: You get to learn how to create Bubble Art.

Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: Psalm 25:5

Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.” www.facebook.com/Color.Me.a.Rainbow.God.loves.you

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the image below; “Save image as” where you can find it; and print this coloring page:


#12 – Hey, Kids! It’s Jesus! He’s The Alpha & The Omega!
What fun the puppets have doing the housecleaning! What? How can that be fun? Watch and see! They have fun working together, having a clean house, and they get memory cards for each job they do! Each card has a letter of the alphabet and a Bible verse that begins with that letter. All their adventures help them understand how Jesus is the Alpha & the Omega! Sing along with: “Color Me a Rainbow” and “Colors” Sing & Sign with: “Alpha & Omega.” Craft: You get to learn how to create Giant Bubbles. Bible Verse Memory Rhythm: Revelation 1:8 Froggie says, “Please Color Me a Rainbow, and message it to me on our Facebook page.”

We have a free coloring page for you. Please right click the images below; “Save image as” where you can find them; and print these coloring pages.  Then, write out these Bible verses on the back of the cards.  The verses in the King James Version start with the right letter for the alphabet cards.

A – Isaiah 53:6

B – Acts 16:31

C – Ephesians 6:1

D – James 4:8

E – Proverbs 20:11

F – Romans 6:23

G – Psalm 46:1

H – Psalm 23:2

I – John 14:14

J – Hebrews 13:8

K – Psalm 34:13

L – Isaiah 45:22

M – John 10:27

N – 1 Corinthians 15:20

O – Psalm 118:1

P – Ephesians 6:11

Q – I Thessalonians 5:19

R – Ecclesiastes 12:1

S – Psalm 96:2

T – Proverbs 3:5

U – 1 Peter 2:7

V – John 6:47

W – Romans 5:8

X – John 3:3 (eXcept)

Y – Matthew 5:14

Z – Luke 19:5

Scripture quotations marked (NIV)
are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version©, NIV©.
Copyright ® 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.TM
Used by permission of Zondervan.
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